
  • Epstein-Barr Virus
  • Hypothyroidism-also hair loss. We are surprised I still have hair!
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent headaches. Consecutive headaches for 22 days straight. Those seemed to have gone away now, so that's nice!
  • Tingling/weak/heavy limbs. When my streak of headaches started, my legs started being weird. My arms would only sometimes match up.
  • Brain fog
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations. Mild and only when I stand up after laying down for a while.
  • Feelings of anxiety. Not triggered by any thoughts.

I wish I had dates for when this all started. It was Summer of 2012, but I didn't see a doctor until the beginning of November 2012. I wasn't getting much help so in late-January or beginning of February 2013 I turned to natural healing with Young Living Essential Oils. Muscle testing, oils, Whole 30, and prayer have been helping my body to heal.

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